Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Syllabus 2014


JEE(Main)-2014 Question Papers

File Type Question Paper File Link
06.04.2014 Set E
06.04.2014 Set F
06.04.2014 Set G
06.04.2014 Set H

Percentage of Marks Required to Qualify the Summative Assessments In Class IX Session 2013-14

This has reference to Circular dated 8.8.2013 conveying the following to be implemented w.e.f. the academic session 2013-2014 in Class IX:
  • It would be mandatory for a student to appear in both the Summative Assessments in both Classes IX & X
  • In case of non-appearance in Summative Assessments on grounds of illness, one more chance to appear in the SA I may be given up to 31st October in Class IX. For SA 2 in class IX the chance for improvement of performance be allowed as circulated vide Diary No. CE/CBSE/ACAD/CCE/2010/April 03, 2010 Circular No.11(A) within a period of one month from the date of declaration of the result
  • Student would have to obtain at least 25% marks in the Summative Assessments (both the SA 1 and SA 2 taken together) to be eligible to qualify the examination i.e. at least 15 marks out of 60 marks and total 33% in each of the five subjects of scholastic area, as per the present practice
It has come to the notice of the Board that this being the first year of implementation a number of students/parents were either not aware of the rule or the students could not cope up even after the improvement Examination conducted by the schools in April.

Therefore, it has been decided that one more chance be given to the candidates of Class IX 2013-2014 session for improvement of performance.

The schools are accordingly requested that candidates who failed to obtain 25% i.e. 15 marks out of 60 in the Summative Assessments even after the chance of improvement of performance be given one more chance and the assessment be conducted by July this year, as a special case.

You are requested to ddisseminate the information to all concerned.

Declaration of Problem Solving Assessment (PSA) results for Academic Session 2013-14

The second Problem Solving Assessment (PSA) for Academic Session 2013 - 1 4 was conducted on 19 - 10 - 2013 for Winter Bounds Schools and on 18 - 01 - 2014 for Summer Bounds Schools for Classes IX and Class XI. This also include d (optional) improvement in PSA by students currently in Class X /XII .

The Board has declared the results of second Problem Solving Assessment (PSA) for Academic Session 2013 - 14 and t he results ha ve been sent to all schools through e-mail.

Those who have not received the results may obtain the same by sending email to : bmgupta.cbse@nic.in by giving 5 digit school code

It is once again reminded to all schools that PSA score is to be reflected towards F A4 in both Classes IX and X in one language (English or Hindi), Mathematics, Science and Social Science.

In case assessment data for Class IX Term II and Class X Term II have been uploaded without incorporating PSA score towards FA4 , p lease contact your Regional Office immediately for further necessary action.

You are requested to upload updated Marks incorporating PSA marks towards FA4 in one language (English or Hindi), Mathematics, Science and Social Science.

Last date for Uploading of assessment data for Class IX Term - II and Class X Term II is 15 th April, 2014 .

Mailing of PSA Result 2014 for class IX/XI

Please visit below direct link to check your result -
Mailing the Result of Problem Solving Assessment (PSA) - 2014 for Class IX/XI

Result of CTET-FEB 2014 Examination

The CTET - FEB 2014 Examination was conducted on 16.02.2014 (Sunday) throughout the country and abroad in which approx. 8.26 lakh candidates were registered for either Paper - I or/and Paper - II.

The Board, as a step towards complete transparency, had displayed the images of the OMR Answer Sheets of all the candidates who had appeared in the CTET - FEB 2014 Examination on its website. Thereafter the Answer Key of all the sets of Question Paper, were uploaded on the CTET website and representations were sought f rom the candidates upto 19.03.2014 for CBSE’s consideration, in case of any discrepancy relating to question/incorrect answer keys.

The representations received by the stipulated date, were considered and final answer key and the result of CTET - FEB 2014 Examination has been declared today i.e. 21.03.2014 as per schedule announced earlier. The same is available on CBSE/CTET website ( www.cbse.nic.in or www.ctet.nic.in ).

Please visit below direct link to check your result -

Clarification Regarding use of PSA Scores for FA-4

The first Problem Solving Assessment (PSA) for Academic Session 2 012 - 13 was conducted on 16 - 02 - 2013 for students of Class IX (who are now in Class X).

The second Problem Solving Assessment (PSA) for Academic Session 201 3 - 1 4 was conducted on 18 - 01 - 2014 which also included (optional) improvement in PSA by students currently in Class X.

Based on the various queries received from principals across the country, the board has decided to clarify the following for use of PSA marks in FA4 in one language (English or Hindi), Mathematics, Science and Social Science .

  • Please take the PSA score of the candidate in Class IX [ either subject wise for relevant subjects sent in the first mail on 21.03.2013 or average (shown in the last column) of the second mail sent on 01.05.2013 for each subject ] . Award the same in FA4 in Class IX and Class X in one language ( English or Hindi), Mathematics, Science and Social Science.
  • In case any student has opted for improvement of PSA in class X, between the Score what he scored during PSA of class IX in 201 2 - 1 3 and the ave rage score of his improvement sent by mail on 11 .0 3 . 2014 , whichever is higher should be taken for the individual subjects

Example is available at CBSE website at direct link below -
Example PSA Clarification 2014

Last date for Uploading of assessment data for Class IX Term - II has been extended to 31st March 2014

Tags : PSA Scores, CBSE PSA Scores, Problem Solving Assessment

