General Frequently Asked Questions have been listed below. You have to click at question to get appropriate answer.
I have completed Class 12 from a different board. As a private candidate, can I take a single paper in an any subject at the Class 10 or Class 12 level due to career/higher studies requirements?
No CBSE does not permit students qualifying class XII from other Boards to register for additional paper under CBSE Examination.
Is there any age limit for a candidate to be eligible for the Class X and Class XII board exams?
As per rule 6.1 of the Examination Byelaws a student seeking admission to any class in a school is eligible for admission to that class only if he/she satisfies the requirements of age limits (minimum and maximum) as determined by the State/UT Govt. and applicable to the place where the school is located. Board has not prescribed any age limit (minimum or maximum) for appearing for the Class X examination. However, it should be the age as determined for admission in class 1 plus 10 years of schooling.
Should one write the answers in the same sequence as the questions in the paper? Though many people often advise that one should first attempt questions that one finds easier first, there is also a view that an examiner would prefer answers in the serial order.
Questions can be answered in any serial order and no marks will be deducted for not following the same. However, candidates should ensure that the serial numbers of the questions are given correctly and distinctly and all parts of the question are attempted together.
How many answer scripts does an examiner need to check in a day? Is payment linked to the number of scripts being checked? Is there a minimum number of scripts he/she needs to mark every day?
An examiner needs to put in at least 5-6 hours per day and examine a maximum of 20 answer sheets in a day. Payment is linked to the number of copies examined by the examiner.
Practically speaking, should one write the answers in one’s own language or should it be avoidable because what if some examiner looks for certain keywords and phrases in the answers?
The answer should correctly contain what is asked for in the question following the word limit and instructions given therein.
What provisions are available for the special/disabled students during the Board exams this year? Which all disabilities will you cover? What are the adjustments that the CBSE allows to such candidates?
The Central Board of Secondary Education has provided relaxation for children with various disabilities like Visually Impaired, Physically Challenged, Autistic, Dyslexic, Spastic and other categories defined in the PWD Act, 1995 with regard to both Secondary School Examination and Senior School Certificate Examination. These relaxations are as follows :
What is the procedure to reappear as a private candidate? Can one appear for the Class 10 and 12 exams without joining school at all?
Kindly refer to the procedure for submission of applications of private candidates provided in the Secondary Curriculum (page 8-9) and the Senior School Curriculum (page 10-11) documents brought out by the Board for the Board Examination Year 2014. A candidate who had failed to qualify at the All India/ Delhi Secondary School Examination/Senior School certificate Examinations of the Board will be eligible to reappear at the subsequent examination as a private candidate in the syllabi and text books as prescribed for the examination of the year in which he will reappear.
Do examiners deduct marks for exceeding the word limit and spelling mistakes, especially in the language papers?
Though the approximate word limit is given for short and long answer questions and students are expected to write answers within the word limit, no marks are deducted for exceeding the word limit, no Marks for spelling mistakes are deducted as per the guidelines in the marking scheme in the English Language Paper.
What's the status of plus two level papers such as informatics practices, media studies, financial markets management? Are these vocational papers or elective? Is there any rule regarding taking the minimum number of elective papers in order to safeguard one’s chances of getting into a college? What if you take two of these papers? Can both be counted as part of best of four subjects for DU admissions?
The subjects Informatics Practices and Mass Media are the elective subjects offered by the Board at senior school level under the Academic Stream. Mass Media and Media production is a vocational course that is a package of two subjects other than the Language, Accountancy and any other academic elective. Scheme of Studies may be referred for specific courses mentioned in the query. You should also refer to latest admission guidelines for Delhi University.
Can an arts student with home science as one of the subjects apply for a BSc course in home science?
Yes, a student with Home Science subject can apply for B.Sc. Home Science. However, as universities are autonomous, each has its own entry requirements. Also it depends upon the combination of subjects laid down as admission criteria of concerned university/college.
I face difficulty while answering questions in the physics paper. I have attempted all questions from different sets (foreign, Delhi, compartment and all India). I want to know what I should do to solve 15% difficult questions in the paper. I have completed my syllabus and revision besides solving question papers from 2006 to 2013.
The Question Paper Design in any subject specifies that about 15% questions set will be of higher thinking skills. The purpose being to identify such students who have really understood the concepts and can apply their learning to given situations.
Therefore thorough understanding of concepts is essential for attempting higher order thinking skills questions requiring you to infer, create, predict, suggest, evaluate, etc.
If a choice is given to attempt any one of the questions in the Board exam, can we attempt both? If yes, which answer would be considered?
The instructions given in the question paper should be followed by the candidate. Attempting both the options not only takes away much of the precious time of the candidate but also confuses the examiner. So it is advised that you should only attempt the option at which you feel confident.
How should the language papers be prepared so that I don't lose marks for incorrect grammar and sentence structuring?
Grammar and Language sections are integral to the Examination scheme for English language. Your grammar skills are tested in the sections with a specific view to encourage the use of correct grammar and sentence structuring. The student should practice from the work books prescribed by CBSE to hone their grammar skills.
Otherwise grammatical errors and incorrect use of words which affect clear communication of ideas will naturally result in students’ losing marks in their answers.
Are marks deducted for missing steps in the mathematics Class 12 exam?
It is always better to write all the steps and write the solution to the questions systematically. At times, major steps in the solution are assigned separate marks in the Marking scheme. A candidate may lose marks if these specific steps are not written.
I have gone through several sample papers and reference books for Mathematics for class 12. But I find it extremely difficult to work out questions in analytical topics such as probability or Permutation and Combination and Limits. Since these topics have considerable weightage in the exams, what do you suggest I should do?
These are the topics which cannot be dealt only by knowing the formulas. Rather the student must have concept clarity and should have an analytical approach. In probability and permutation - combination It is important to have a clear understanding of the statement and the situation mentioned in the problem. As far as limits is concerned the student must be confident in trigonometric formulas and limit formulas and should be very clear that he needs to get rid of indeterminate form which is most of the time zero/zero form. Practice Questions given in the NCERT textbooks, Boards Questions Papers of previous years and sample Question Papers uploaded on the CBSE Academic
What are HOTS questions? How much is one expected to write in a HOTS question? Please guide.
HOT Questions are the HIGHER ORDERTHINKING SKILLS Questions asking students to go beyond mere explanation and to give their views and suggestions, do problem solving etc. You are expected to write what has been asked for in the questions.
If I have failed in more than three papers in my school’s Pre Board examination, can the school withhold my hall ticket and am I likely to be barred from appearing in the Board examinations?
The Board strongly believes that the conduct of more than one Pre Board Examination by schools leads to unnecessary stress among students affecting their mental and psychological health. In the Board’s Circular 28/2005, the schools have been advised to conduct pre Board only once in the first week of January with the purpose to identify those academic content in the performance of students which need to be strengthened through academic counselling and guidance.
If a candidate, otherwise eligible, fails in the pre Board Examination conducted by the school, he/she cannot be detained from appearing in Board Examination.
Sometimes the extent of topics covered in NCERT books is not as vast as other books, Eg: in a subject like Business studies, NCERT becomes insufficient. Is it absolutely mandatory to stick to NCERT books? Is the marking scheme given to examiners based on NCERT?
Textbooks published by NCERT are the only textbooks recommended by the Board as they cover the prescribed syllabus. However, in order to have understanding of the concepts covered under different sub-topics, one may have to refer to some standard textbooks. Different topics are found to have been dealt differently in various textbooks. However, it is not advisable to refer to new textbooks at this point of time. It is advisable to concentrate your studies on NCERT Textbooks only.
For 6-mark questions in the theory papers, we are attuned to writing lengthy answers in school. But this invariably leads to shortage of time. Just how much is a student supposed to write for these questions?
The suggested word limit for answering a 6 mark Question is 100 to 120 words. Though marks are not deducted for exceeding the word limit, it is better to restrict to the specified word limit. This should be practiced at the time of revision, which will also help in completing the paper within the allotted time.
How beneficial is it to solve the 10-year papers and the past years’ CBSE exam papers?
The Sample Question papers and the previous years’ question papers of the CBSE provided on its website are based on the prescribed question paper design and the syllabus. Hence it is advisable to refer to them. You may also ask your teachers to give you more questions/ question papers based on the prescribed syllabus and the question paper design for practice.
How much of a variation in difficulty level is there between the different sets of question papers for a particular subject.
The different sets of question papers for a particular subject are of similar difficulty level.
I am in Class 12 and I practise Maths the most. Despite this, my performance in this subject is still the worst among all other subjects. I’ve been practising a lot and doing a lot of sample papers. But I now feel very apprehensive about the subject. Please help.
While doing practice, try to solve variety of questions of different categories which are asked in the examination. Solving previous years’ question papers in the subject within allotted time will help you in gaining confidence. It will also be useful to identify content areas in which you are not confident and devote little more time to these. Do not use shortcuts in solving a question and write all the necessary steps. It will help in minimizing the likely mistakes which are general committed by students.
I’m a Class 12 Science student. Since Optics is very important in Physics from the Board exam perspective, can you please tell me how to prepare?
You may practise drawing diagrams/ray diagrams related to different sub-topics in the unit. Since the unit has more weightage in marks, try to practise unsolved numericals. Practising derivations from the unit and answering conceptual questions/ diagram based questions will help in gaining confidence.
I have completed TS Grewal for accountancy. What more shall I do to score in the 95-100 Bracket? Also, we don’t have any information about the Mass Media Studies subject and the sample papers are not related to the way we were taught. Please guide me on how to study for Mass Media.
For media study, consult the Board’s curriculum and practice last year’s sample question paper. You should go through the textual material systematically and prepare for the final examination in accordance with the sample paper issued by the Board. Try to procure question papers in the subject form some standard sources and practise solving the same to improve your performance.
I am a commerce student of Class 12. In the Business studies exam, how do I divide my time among the various questions, especially the 6-markers, so that I can complete my paper within the time limit?
Practise solving question papers from different sources within allotted three hour duration. It is not essential to write answers to questions in the same sequence in which these are given in the question paper. You may attempt 6 marks questions in the beginning if you are confident about knowing the answers.
One can download above FAQs in pdf format at CBSE website which is available at link CBSE Helpline FAQs
- I have completed Class 12 from a different board. As a private candidate, can I take a single paper in an any subject at the Class 10 or Class 12 level due to career/higher studies requirements?
- Is there any age limit for a candidate to be eligible for the Class X and Class XII board exams?
- Should one write the answers in the same sequence as the questions in the paper? Though many people often advise that one should first attempt questions that one finds easier first, there is also a view that an examiner would prefer answers in the serial order.
- How many answer scripts does an examiner need to check in a day? Is payment linked to the number of scripts being checked? Is there a minimum number of scripts he/she needs to mark every day?
- Practically speaking, should one write the answers in one’s own language or should it be avoidable because what if some examiner looks for certain keywords and phrases in the answers?
- What provisions are available for the special/disabled students during the Board exams this year? Which all disabilities will you cover? What are the adjustments that the CBSE allows to such candidates?
- What is the procedure to reappear as a private candidate? Can one appear for the Class 10 and 12 exams without joining school at all?
- Do examiners deduct marks for exceeding the word limit and spelling mistakes, especially in the language papers?
- What’s the status of plus two level papers such as informatics practices, media studies, financial markets management? Are these vocational papers or elective? Is there any rule regarding taking the minimum number of elective papers in order to safeguard one’s chances of getting into a college? What if you take two of these papers? Can both be counted as part of best of four subjects for DU admissions?
- Can an arts student with home science as one of the subjects apply for a BSc course in home science?
- I face difficulty while answering questions in the physics paper. I have attempted all questions from different sets (foreign, Delhi, compartment and all India). I want to know what I should do to solve 15% difficult questions in the paper. I have completed my syllabus and revision besides solving question papers from 2006 to 2013.
- If a choice is given to attempt any one of the questions in the Board exam, can we attempt both? If yes, which answer would be considered?
- How should the language papers be prepared so that I don't lose marks for incorrect grammar and sentence structuring?
- Are marks deducted for missing steps in the mathematics Class 12 exam?
- I have gone through several sample papers and reference books for Mathematics for class 12. But I find it extremely difficult to work out questions in analytical topics such as probability or Permutation and Combination and Limits. Since these topics have considerable weightage in the exams, what do you suggest I should do?
- What are HOTS questions? How much is one expected to write in a HOTS question? Please guide.
- If I have failed in more than three papers in my school’s Pre Board examination, can the school withhold my hall ticket and am I likely to be barred from appearing in the Board examinations?
- Sometimes the extent of topics covered in NCERT books is not as vast as other books, Eg: in a subject like Business studies, NCERT becomes insufficient. Is it absolutely mandatory to stick to NCERT books? Is the marking scheme given to examiners based on NCERT?
- For 6-mark questions in the theory papers, we are attuned to writing lengthy answers in school. But this invariably leads to shortage of time. Just how much is a student supposed to write for these questions?
- How beneficial is it to solve the 10-year papers and the past years’ CBSE exam papers?
- How much of a variation in difficulty level is there between the different sets of question papers for a particular subject.
- I am in Class 12 and I practise Maths the most. Despite this, my performance in this subject is still the worst among all other subjects. I’ve been practising a lot and doing a lot of sample papers. But I now feel very apprehensive about the subject. Please help.
- I’m a Class 12 Science student. Since Optics is very important in Physics from the Board exam perspective, can you please tell me how to prepare?
- I have completed TS Grewal for accountancy. What more shall I do to score in the 95-100 Bracket? Also, we don’t have any information about the Mass Media Studies subject and the sample papers are not related to the way we were taught. Please guide me on how to study for Mass Media.
- I am a commerce student of Class 12. In the Business studies exam, how do I divide my time among the various questions, especially the 6-markers, so that I can complete my paper within the time limit?
I have completed Class 12 from a different board. As a private candidate, can I take a single paper in an any subject at the Class 10 or Class 12 level due to career/higher studies requirements?
No CBSE does not permit students qualifying class XII from other Boards to register for additional paper under CBSE Examination.
Is there any age limit for a candidate to be eligible for the Class X and Class XII board exams?
As per rule 6.1 of the Examination Byelaws a student seeking admission to any class in a school is eligible for admission to that class only if he/she satisfies the requirements of age limits (minimum and maximum) as determined by the State/UT Govt. and applicable to the place where the school is located. Board has not prescribed any age limit (minimum or maximum) for appearing for the Class X examination. However, it should be the age as determined for admission in class 1 plus 10 years of schooling.
Should one write the answers in the same sequence as the questions in the paper? Though many people often advise that one should first attempt questions that one finds easier first, there is also a view that an examiner would prefer answers in the serial order.
Questions can be answered in any serial order and no marks will be deducted for not following the same. However, candidates should ensure that the serial numbers of the questions are given correctly and distinctly and all parts of the question are attempted together.
How many answer scripts does an examiner need to check in a day? Is payment linked to the number of scripts being checked? Is there a minimum number of scripts he/she needs to mark every day?
An examiner needs to put in at least 5-6 hours per day and examine a maximum of 20 answer sheets in a day. Payment is linked to the number of copies examined by the examiner.
Practically speaking, should one write the answers in one’s own language or should it be avoidable because what if some examiner looks for certain keywords and phrases in the answers?
The answer should correctly contain what is asked for in the question following the word limit and instructions given therein.
What provisions are available for the special/disabled students during the Board exams this year? Which all disabilities will you cover? What are the adjustments that the CBSE allows to such candidates?
The Central Board of Secondary Education has provided relaxation for children with various disabilities like Visually Impaired, Physically Challenged, Autistic, Dyslexic, Spastic and other categories defined in the PWD Act, 1995 with regard to both Secondary School Examination and Senior School Certificate Examination. These relaxations are as follows :
- Exemption from studying third language up to middle school level (i.e. Class VIII).
- Permission to use an amanuensis free of cost.
- Additional time of 60 minutes for paper of 3 hours duration of 50 minutes for paper of two and half hours duration, 40 minutes for paper of 2 hours duration and 30 minutes for paper of one and half hours duration.
Making sitting arrangements for the dyslexic, visually impaired, physically challenged and spastic candidates on the ground floor, as far as possible.
Alternate question papers in enlarged print for Mathematics and Science and Technology in class X. - Separate question papers in enlarged print for Mathematics and Science and Technology in Class X etc. For more details please refer to circular no 25/2012 uploaded on the CBSE website
What is the procedure to reappear as a private candidate? Can one appear for the Class 10 and 12 exams without joining school at all?
Kindly refer to the procedure for submission of applications of private candidates provided in the Secondary Curriculum (page 8-9) and the Senior School Curriculum (page 10-11) documents brought out by the Board for the Board Examination Year 2014. A candidate who had failed to qualify at the All India/ Delhi Secondary School Examination/Senior School certificate Examinations of the Board will be eligible to reappear at the subsequent examination as a private candidate in the syllabi and text books as prescribed for the examination of the year in which he will reappear.
Do examiners deduct marks for exceeding the word limit and spelling mistakes, especially in the language papers?
Though the approximate word limit is given for short and long answer questions and students are expected to write answers within the word limit, no marks are deducted for exceeding the word limit, no Marks for spelling mistakes are deducted as per the guidelines in the marking scheme in the English Language Paper.
What's the status of plus two level papers such as informatics practices, media studies, financial markets management? Are these vocational papers or elective? Is there any rule regarding taking the minimum number of elective papers in order to safeguard one’s chances of getting into a college? What if you take two of these papers? Can both be counted as part of best of four subjects for DU admissions?
The subjects Informatics Practices and Mass Media are the elective subjects offered by the Board at senior school level under the Academic Stream. Mass Media and Media production is a vocational course that is a package of two subjects other than the Language, Accountancy and any other academic elective. Scheme of Studies may be referred for specific courses mentioned in the query. You should also refer to latest admission guidelines for Delhi University.
Can an arts student with home science as one of the subjects apply for a BSc course in home science?
Yes, a student with Home Science subject can apply for B.Sc. Home Science. However, as universities are autonomous, each has its own entry requirements. Also it depends upon the combination of subjects laid down as admission criteria of concerned university/college.
I face difficulty while answering questions in the physics paper. I have attempted all questions from different sets (foreign, Delhi, compartment and all India). I want to know what I should do to solve 15% difficult questions in the paper. I have completed my syllabus and revision besides solving question papers from 2006 to 2013.
The Question Paper Design in any subject specifies that about 15% questions set will be of higher thinking skills. The purpose being to identify such students who have really understood the concepts and can apply their learning to given situations.
Therefore thorough understanding of concepts is essential for attempting higher order thinking skills questions requiring you to infer, create, predict, suggest, evaluate, etc.
If a choice is given to attempt any one of the questions in the Board exam, can we attempt both? If yes, which answer would be considered?
The instructions given in the question paper should be followed by the candidate. Attempting both the options not only takes away much of the precious time of the candidate but also confuses the examiner. So it is advised that you should only attempt the option at which you feel confident.
How should the language papers be prepared so that I don't lose marks for incorrect grammar and sentence structuring?
Grammar and Language sections are integral to the Examination scheme for English language. Your grammar skills are tested in the sections with a specific view to encourage the use of correct grammar and sentence structuring. The student should practice from the work books prescribed by CBSE to hone their grammar skills.
Otherwise grammatical errors and incorrect use of words which affect clear communication of ideas will naturally result in students’ losing marks in their answers.
Are marks deducted for missing steps in the mathematics Class 12 exam?
It is always better to write all the steps and write the solution to the questions systematically. At times, major steps in the solution are assigned separate marks in the Marking scheme. A candidate may lose marks if these specific steps are not written.
I have gone through several sample papers and reference books for Mathematics for class 12. But I find it extremely difficult to work out questions in analytical topics such as probability or Permutation and Combination and Limits. Since these topics have considerable weightage in the exams, what do you suggest I should do?
These are the topics which cannot be dealt only by knowing the formulas. Rather the student must have concept clarity and should have an analytical approach. In probability and permutation - combination It is important to have a clear understanding of the statement and the situation mentioned in the problem. As far as limits is concerned the student must be confident in trigonometric formulas and limit formulas and should be very clear that he needs to get rid of indeterminate form which is most of the time zero/zero form. Practice Questions given in the NCERT textbooks, Boards Questions Papers of previous years and sample Question Papers uploaded on the CBSE Academic
What are HOTS questions? How much is one expected to write in a HOTS question? Please guide.
HOT Questions are the HIGHER ORDERTHINKING SKILLS Questions asking students to go beyond mere explanation and to give their views and suggestions, do problem solving etc. You are expected to write what has been asked for in the questions.
If I have failed in more than three papers in my school’s Pre Board examination, can the school withhold my hall ticket and am I likely to be barred from appearing in the Board examinations?
The Board strongly believes that the conduct of more than one Pre Board Examination by schools leads to unnecessary stress among students affecting their mental and psychological health. In the Board’s Circular 28/2005, the schools have been advised to conduct pre Board only once in the first week of January with the purpose to identify those academic content in the performance of students which need to be strengthened through academic counselling and guidance.
If a candidate, otherwise eligible, fails in the pre Board Examination conducted by the school, he/she cannot be detained from appearing in Board Examination.
Sometimes the extent of topics covered in NCERT books is not as vast as other books, Eg: in a subject like Business studies, NCERT becomes insufficient. Is it absolutely mandatory to stick to NCERT books? Is the marking scheme given to examiners based on NCERT?
Textbooks published by NCERT are the only textbooks recommended by the Board as they cover the prescribed syllabus. However, in order to have understanding of the concepts covered under different sub-topics, one may have to refer to some standard textbooks. Different topics are found to have been dealt differently in various textbooks. However, it is not advisable to refer to new textbooks at this point of time. It is advisable to concentrate your studies on NCERT Textbooks only.
For 6-mark questions in the theory papers, we are attuned to writing lengthy answers in school. But this invariably leads to shortage of time. Just how much is a student supposed to write for these questions?
The suggested word limit for answering a 6 mark Question is 100 to 120 words. Though marks are not deducted for exceeding the word limit, it is better to restrict to the specified word limit. This should be practiced at the time of revision, which will also help in completing the paper within the allotted time.
How beneficial is it to solve the 10-year papers and the past years’ CBSE exam papers?
The Sample Question papers and the previous years’ question papers of the CBSE provided on its website are based on the prescribed question paper design and the syllabus. Hence it is advisable to refer to them. You may also ask your teachers to give you more questions/ question papers based on the prescribed syllabus and the question paper design for practice.
How much of a variation in difficulty level is there between the different sets of question papers for a particular subject.
The different sets of question papers for a particular subject are of similar difficulty level.
I am in Class 12 and I practise Maths the most. Despite this, my performance in this subject is still the worst among all other subjects. I’ve been practising a lot and doing a lot of sample papers. But I now feel very apprehensive about the subject. Please help.
While doing practice, try to solve variety of questions of different categories which are asked in the examination. Solving previous years’ question papers in the subject within allotted time will help you in gaining confidence. It will also be useful to identify content areas in which you are not confident and devote little more time to these. Do not use shortcuts in solving a question and write all the necessary steps. It will help in minimizing the likely mistakes which are general committed by students.
I’m a Class 12 Science student. Since Optics is very important in Physics from the Board exam perspective, can you please tell me how to prepare?
You may practise drawing diagrams/ray diagrams related to different sub-topics in the unit. Since the unit has more weightage in marks, try to practise unsolved numericals. Practising derivations from the unit and answering conceptual questions/ diagram based questions will help in gaining confidence.
I have completed TS Grewal for accountancy. What more shall I do to score in the 95-100 Bracket? Also, we don’t have any information about the Mass Media Studies subject and the sample papers are not related to the way we were taught. Please guide me on how to study for Mass Media.
For media study, consult the Board’s curriculum and practice last year’s sample question paper. You should go through the textual material systematically and prepare for the final examination in accordance with the sample paper issued by the Board. Try to procure question papers in the subject form some standard sources and practise solving the same to improve your performance.
I am a commerce student of Class 12. In the Business studies exam, how do I divide my time among the various questions, especially the 6-markers, so that I can complete my paper within the time limit?
Practise solving question papers from different sources within allotted three hour duration. It is not essential to write answers to questions in the same sequence in which these are given in the question paper. You may attempt 6 marks questions in the beginning if you are confident about knowing the answers.
One can download above FAQs in pdf format at CBSE website which is available at link CBSE Helpline FAQs